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Come and Adopt with Bedford Borough Council

Bedford Borough Council is asking people from black and ethnic minority communities to consider adoption.

Facts and figures from adoption agencies across the country have shown that children from black and ethnic minority backgrounds often wait longer to be adopted and find their forever family. While these children may wait longer, black adopters often find a match with their child or children sooner.

Adoption can offer children who may have had a difficult start the opportunity to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives with their new families and give adoptive parents the chance to begin or complete their family.

Cllr Shan Hunt, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Social Care said “There are lots of considerations within the matching process for adoption, including ethnicity, and we are always looking to encourage people to consider adoption. Lots of people are able to adopt, and we looking for people who can offer a loving stable home to children who may have had a difficult start in life.”

If you'd like to find out more about adoption, staff can answer any questions to help you decide if you’d like to start your adoption journey. Just give us a call on 01234 718718 to book onto our monthly information evening

email to download an information pack.