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Carers assessment

Any person (adult or young person) who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis is entitled to a carer's assessment. 

The assessment is free. It is not about judging the way you are caring for someone. 

An assessment explained

An assessment is a chance for you to tell us about any difficulties you may be having in looking after yourself or in remaining independent in the community.  We want to hear you views on how you are managing, what you can and cannot do and what help you feel you need.

A social worker will visit you to talk to you and the person you care for about the help you need. When the person you care for is having their assessment (or a review of their needs), as their carer you are entitled to an assessment of your own needs as well. You can talk about your needs in confidence, away from the person you care for, if you wish. 

If you want, we can do your carer's assessment at the same time as the one for the person you care for.  But if you need to discuss your needs more fully (or in private), we can do a separate assessment. If the person you care for doesn't want to have an assessment of their needs but you still feel that you would like help, you are still entitled to an assessment in your own right.

Complete your own carer's assessment online

Find out what you may be entitled to that could make your caring role easier. When you complete the form, it will be forwarded to an adult social care team who will respond within two working days.

Carer's self assessment

If your needs as a carer changes

If your needs or circumstances change, it's important that we look again at the services we provide. It may mean that you need more help, or not as much. Your social worker will arrange a review every year.

How much do services cost?

If we have assessed you as needing services we are required to financially assess whether you have to pay any contribution towards the costs of that service.

This financial assessment takes into account your income, savings and outgoings. The amount of contribution will depend on your financial circumstances and ability to pay.

We have a team of Community Financial Assessors who will advise and assist you to claim extra benefits and complete the financial assessment form.

If you have more than £23,250 in savings (not including the value of the property you live in), we will expect you to pay the full cost of services.

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