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Taxi and private hire licensing policy consultation

In July 2020 the Department for Transport (DfT) issued statutory Taxi and Private Hire standards to all licensing authorities which recommended that a cohesive policy document bringing together all their procedures on Taxi and Private Hire licensing is made publicly available. 

On 1 October 2020 the Council’s General Licensing Committee considered the report (PDF) of the Chief Officer for Legal and Democratic Services regarding the DfT standards. The Chief Officer was authorised to draft a policy document and, once the document was drafted, to start consultation with the trade and consultees on these matters.  

You can now read the draft policy document (PDF).

This consultation has now closed.

The responses to the consultation will be considered at a forthcoming meeting of the Council’s General Licensing Committee.

Draft taxi and private hire policy meeting

On Thursday 17 February 2022 at 4.30pm, there will be a meeting to discuss the Draft Taxi and Private Hire Policy with representatives from the trade.  

You can view the meeting here.