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HMO licence conditions

Applications for HMO licences will be assessed and granted according to the following:

  • the property must be reasonably suitable for the number of occupants or proposed number of occupants.
  • the landlord or manager must fulfil the criteria of being a “fit and proper person”
  • the landlord or manager must demonstrate that proper arrangements are in place for the management of the house.

We will send a copy of the proposed HMO licence to the applicant, letting agent, manager, mortgage company and other “interested parties” such as long lease tenants of leaseholders.

We usually issue licences within two months of receipt.

Fit and proper person

We must take into account any previous unspent convictions for the following matters when deciding whether an applicant for an HMO licence is “fit and proper”:

  • violence, sex offences, fraud or drugs
  • housing or landlord and tenant laws
  • unlawful discrimination

The applicant must demonstrate that they are a fit and proper person and declare any matters above which the Council must have regard to. A Criminal Records Bureau check may be requested if appropriate.

Licence period

Mandatory HMO licences are usually granted for five years (up to 16 May 2023 for Additional HMO licences) but the licence period may be shorter if there are known management failings with the property. This would enable the landlord to improve the condition and management of the house, under the direction of the HMO team, and work towards a full five year licence.