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These chapters focus on health and wellbeing for older people aged 65 plus.

Access to social care looks at the priorities for the adult social care service so they can help people with independence, choice and control over their quality of life.

Dementia sets out recommendations for building a dementia friendly community in Bedford Borough.

Falls and osteoporosis are the leading cause of injury and death in older people, so this chapter looks at how we can take effective joint action through a series of interventions.

Mental health (older adults) outline conditions that are prevalent in older people's mental health and depression which affects more older people than any other age group.

Preventable sight loss reports on how eye conditions like glaucoma can be treatable and what lifestyle factors to look out for, in order to prevent sight loss.

Excess winter deaths in Bedford Borough are in line with the rest of England. More people die in winter than in summer, however, excessive winter deaths is an indicator to a complex problem.

End of life care explores how to improve end of life care, particularly for those with dementia, black and minority ethnic groups and people with disabilities.