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Planning application forms

This page explains what you need to submit with your planning application, prior notification or minerals and waste application.

On receipt we will check your submission as part of the ‘validation’ process. We will make sure we have the fee as detailed on the planning application fee list, as well as all other plans and documents we need to be able to process and determine the application.

All planning documentation to be considered as part of your application must be supplied by yourself. We cannot provide you with documentation or submit applications for you. If you require further advice or technical information please see step 1 on the application submissions page. You can also refer to guidance for applicants and agents page for details about how we process applications.

If you submit your application via the Planning Portal then your fee will be calculated and taken by the Planning Portal. Bedford Borough Council’s Planning Service will check this to ensure it is correct. If you have any problems using the Planning Portal you must contact them directly.

Nationally there are a set of planning forms: each one has its own validation requirements document and guidance notes, which are shown in the list below. Please read these for your application. If anything is missing or requires amending, the application will be invalidated and you will be sent a letter explaining what you need to provide.

If you do not respond or provide the correct information within the time frame given, your application will be returned and you will need to reapply. Please note: Once an application has been returned and refunded we cannot reverse this process.

Bedford Borough Council also has an additional supporting documents list which is a Local Validation list for documents that we require submitting for the various application types. Planning application additional supporting documents list (PDF).

Please do not mark or indicate on the plans ‘Do Not Scale’ as planning applications plans must be to scale and scaled from in order to be able to check the plans and application. Any plans marked this way the application will be invalidated.

If you need to submit a Heritage Statement please see the details about this half way down the Heritage page and for CIL forms for residential development, please go to

Please see further guidance on planning in our How to Guides and on our guidance for applicants and agents page.

Prior notifications

Find out what types of prior notifications are needed for development proposals.

Minerals and waste applications

Go to our minerals and waste applications page

Planning application forms

1. Householder application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling (PDF) 2. Householder application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling and for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area (PDF)
Please note that conservation area consent is only required to demolish a building / structure which is bigger than 115 cubic metres or if a fence or wall is to be removed. 3. Householder application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling and Listed Building consent (PDF)

4. Application for Planning Permission 
(Use this form for changes of use, non-householder development and erection of dwellings).

5. Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved

6. Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved

7. Application for Planning Permission and for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area

Please note that conservation area consent is only required to demolish a building / structure which is bigger than 115 cubic metres or if a fence or wall is to be removed.

8. Application for Planning Permission and Listed Building consent for alterations, extensions, or demolition of a Listed Building

9. Application for Planning Permission and consent to display advertisements

10. Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area 

Please note that conservation area consent is only required to demolish a building / structure which is bigger than 115 cubic metres or if a fence or wall is to be removed.

11. Application for Listed Building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a Listed Building

12. Application for consent to display an advertisement

14. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition

15. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development

The fee for this application is half the usual fee.

16. Application for Prior Notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed building

17. Application for Prior Notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed road

18. Application for Prior Notification of agricultural or forestry development - excavation/ waste material

19. Application for Prior Notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed fish tank (cage)

20. Application for Prior Notification of proposed development by Telecommunications code systems operators

21. Application for Hedgerow removal notice

22. Application for Prior Notification of proposed demolition

23. Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval

24. Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of Planning Permission

Form 24 is not for the discharge/approval of conditions, for this you need Form 25.

25. Application for approval of details reserved by condition Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

26. Application for tree/works: works to trees subject to a Preservation Order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in Conservation Areas (TCA)

Free application.

28. Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant planning permission in order to extend the time limit for implementation 
(This application is only valid for permissions granted on or before 1 October 2010 that have not expired) .

29. Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission

30. High Hedge Complaint Form

31. Application for the modification or discharge of planning obligations attached to Section 106 Agreements

There is no fee applicable for this application. However, in the event that the application is supported by a viability appraisal, the applicant will normally be required to meet the full costs incurred by the Council in appointing an independent viability assessor.

32. Application for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building

As stated in the Biodiversity Survey and Report requirements within the Local Validation Lists above, the template produced by the Association for Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) can be obtained here ALGE Template (PDF)

The Heads of Terms draft template for S106s can be obtained here Draft S106 Template