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The Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted at the Council’s Executive on 11 September 2013. The purpose of the Open Space SPD is to expand on and provide guidance on the application of Policy AD28 (Provision of Open Space and Built Facilities in Association with New Development) contained in the Allocations and Designations Local Plan 2013.

The document will assist developers and applicants to determine the requirements for providing open space in new developments to ensure sufficient facilities are provided for future residents. Details of financial contributions in lieu of on site provision are outlined in the document.

With the introduction of a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on 1 April 2014 the situation has changed.

Requirements for on-site outdoor sports space and equipped/natural play area provision to the required standards will remain.  However financial contributions for off-site outdoor sports space will be through the Levy rather than through S106 obligations; the Council’s Regulation 123 list of projects for which the Levy may be used includes “off-site sports and leisure improvements”.  Therefore the provisions in the SPD relating to off-site sports space will no longer be relevant.

Generally provision for equipped/natural play areas should be made on site. However in some circumstances if on site provision cannot be made and improved facilities are clearly necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms and the other tests, and limitations of the CIL Regulation 2010 as amended are met, then financial contributions may be sought for specified improvements to a specific existing local play facility.

See further details on the Community Infrastructure Levy.

As stated in the SPD, the costs at time of adoption will be subject to indexation. The updated costs for the commuted sums and contributions in lieu of on-site provision have been indexed in accordance with the Retail Price Index as at July 2019 and are available to view below:

The adoption documents are available to view

The SPD was subject to public consultation for 6 weeks in June and July 2013. The documents that were subject to public consultation are available below.